Source code for bamnostic.core

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

Copyright (c) 2018, Marcus D. Sherman

This code is part of the bamnostic distribution and governed by its
license.  Please see the LICENSE file that should have been included
as part of this package.

@author: "Marcus D. Sherman"
@copyright: "Copyright 2018, University of Michigan, Mills Lab
@email: "mdsherman<at>betteridiot<dot>tech"

import os
import struct
import sys
from array import array
from collections import namedtuple

import bamnostic
from bamnostic import bgzf, bai, bam
from bamnostic.utils import *

_PY_VERSION = sys.version_info

Cigar = namedtuple('Cigar', ('op_code', 'n_op', 'op_id', 'op_name'))
"""``namedtuple`` for handling CIGAR data

        op_code (int): CIGAR operation index
        n_op (int): number of operations for a given op_code
        op_id (str): the string representation of the CIGAR representation ('MIDNSHP=XB')
        op_name (str): Longer string name for operation

# The BAM format uses byte encoding to compress alignment data. One such
# compression is how CIGAR operations are stored: they are stored and an
# array of integers. These integers are mapped to their respective
# operation identifier. Below is the mapping dictionary.
# _CIGAR_OPS = {
#    'M' : ('BAM_CMATCH', 0),
#    'I' : ('BAM_CINS', 1),
#    'D' : ('BAM_CDEL', 2),
#    'N' : ('BAM_CREF_SKIP', 3),
#    'S' : ('BAM_CSOFT_CLIP', 4),
#    'H' : ('BAM_CHARD_CLIP', 5),
#    'P' : ('BAM_CPAD', 6),
#    '=' : ('BAM_CEQUAL', 7),
#    'X' : ('BAM_CDIFF', 8),
#    'B' : ('BAM_CBACK', 9)}

# The byte encoding of both CIGAR and SEQ are mapped to these strings

[docs]def offset_qual(qual_string): """ Offsets the ASCII-encoded quality string to represent PHRED score. Every base that is in the alignment is assigned a Phred score. A Phred score (:math:`Q`) is defined as :math:`Q=-10\log_{10}P`, where :math:`P` is the base-calling error probability. Phred quality scores tend range from 10 to 60. These qualities are then offset by 33 and ASCII-encoded for readability and storage. Args: qual_string (:py:obj:`str` or :py:obj:`bytes`): Phred quality scores without offset Returns: (str): ASCII-encoded Phred scores offest by adding 33 to base score. Examples: >>> qual_score = '\x1b\x1b\x1b\x16\x1b\x1b\x1b\x1a\x1b\x1b\x1b\x1b\x1b\x1b\x1b\x1b\x17\x1a\x1a\x1b\x16\x1a\x13\x1b\x1a\x1b\x1a\x1a\x1a\x1a\x1a\x18\x13\x1b\x1a' >>> ''.join(offset_qual(qual_score)) '<<<7<<<;<<<<<<<<8;;<7;4<;<;;;;;94<;' """ def offset(base_qual): """Offsets the given byte code by 33 and returns the ASCII representation of it. Args: base_qual (str): a single byte-encoded base score Returns: ASII-encoded, offsetted representation of the base quality Example: >>> offset('\x1b') '<' """ try: return chr(base_qual + 33) except TypeError: return chr(ord(base_qual) + 33) return map(offset, qual_string)
# compiled/performant struct objects _unpack_refId_pos = struct.Struct('<2i').unpack _unpack_bmq_flag = struct.Struct('<2I').unpack _unpack_lseq_nrid_npos_tlen = struct.Struct('<4i').unpack _unpack_tag_val = struct.Struct('<2ss').unpack _unpack_string = struct.Struct('<s').unpack _unpack_array = struct.Struct('<si').unpack
[docs]class AlignmentFile(bam.BamReader, bam.BamWriter): """Wrapper to allow drop in replacement for BAM functionality in a ``pysam``-like API. Args: filepath_or_object (str | :py:obj:`file`): the path or file object of the BAM file mode (str): Mode for reading. BAM files are binary by nature (default: 'rb'). max_cache (int): number of desired LRU cache size, preferably a multiple of 2 (default: 128). index_filename (str): path to index file (BAI) if it is named differently than the BAM file (default: None). filename (str | :py:obj:`file`): synonym for `filepath_or_object` check_header (bool): Obsolete method maintained for backwards compatibility (default: False) check_sq (bool): Inspect BAM file for `@SQ` entries within the header reference_filename (str): Not implemented. Maintained for backwards compatibility filepath_index (str): synonym for `index_filename` require_index (bool): require the presence of an index file or raise (default: False) duplicate_filehandle (bool): Not implemented. Raises warning if True. ignore_truncation (bool): Whether or not to allow trucated file processing (default: False). """ def __init__( self, filepath_or_object, mode="rb", max_cache=128, index_filename=None, filename=None, check_header=False, check_sq=True, reference_filename=None, filepath_index=None, require_index=False, duplicate_filehandle=None, ignore_truncation=False, compresslevel=6, ignore_overwrite=False, copy_header=None, header=b"", reference_names=None, reference_lengths=None, ): """Initialize the class.""" kwargs = locals() kwargs.pop("self") assert "b" in mode.lower(), "BAM files must be used in binary mode" write_modes = ["w", "a", "x", "r+"] # Check if user wants to write a BAM file if any([wm in mode.lower() for wm in write_modes]): write_args = ( "filepath_or_object", "mode", "compresslevel", "ignore_overwrite", "copy_header", "header", "reference_names", "reference_lengths", ) wargs = {} for key in write_args: try: wargs.update({key: kwargs.pop(key)}) except KeyError: pass bam.BamWriter.__init__(self, **wargs) else: read_args = ( "filepath_or_object", "mode", "max_cache", "index_filename", "filename", "check_header", "check_sq", "reference_filename", "filepath_index", "require_index", "duplicate_filehandle", "ignore_truncation", ) rargs = {} for key in read_args: try: rargs.update({key: kwargs.pop(key)}) except KeyError: pass bam.BamReader.__init__(self, **rargs)
[docs]class AlignedSegment(object): """Main class for handling reads within the BAM""" def __init__(self, _io): """Instantiating the read parser just needs access to the BGZF io.object Args: io (BgzfReader): parser for processing BGZF files Returns: AlignedRead """ self._io = _io bsize_buffer = try: block_size = unpack_int32(bsize_buffer)[0] # Check for EOF: If the cursor is at the end of file, read() will return # an empty byte string. except struct.error: if all([not bsize_buffer, not]): if not self._io._ignore_truncation and not self._io._truncated: raise StopIteration('End of file reached') else: raise StopIteration('Potential end of file reached') else: raise IOError('Reached End of file, but marker does not match BAM standard') # Pull in the whole read self._byte_stream = bytearray( # Preserve the raw data for writing purposes self._raw_stream = self._byte_stream[:] self._raw_stream[0:0] = bsize_buffer """Used to copy the entire read's byte stream for writing purposes""" # Unpack all the necessary data for the read from the bytestream self._unpack_data() # Pull out CIGAR information and build string & tuple representation self._cigar_builder() # pull out the sequence information and build string representation self._seq_builder() # Create the string representation of the Quality string self._qual_builder() # Iteratively pull out the tags for the given aligned segment self._tag_builder() # Process the CIGAR: accounts for CIGAR strings > 65535 operations self._decode_cigar() # Compute the data regarding the sequence that aligns to reference # This excludes insertions and clipping self._reference_attrs() # Compute the data regarding the sequence that aligns # This excludes clipping, but includes insertions self._query_alignment_attrs() def _unpack_data(self): """ Unpack the data for the associated read from the BAM file Attributes: refID (int): numeric position of the reference as ordered in the header pos (int): 0-based leftmost coordinate of alignment bin (int): distinct identifier of read's bin within the index file mapq (int): :math:`-10\log_{10}P` mapping quality of read. flag (int): composite numeric representation of bit-encoded flags. See `bamnostic.utils.flag_decode` for more information. l_seq (int): length of the sequence. next_refID (int): Reference sequence name of the primary alignment of the next read in template next_pos (int): 0-based leftmost position of the next segment. tlen (int): Template length read_name (str): Read name identifier for current read tid (int): synonym for refID reference_name (str): name of associated reference reference_length (int): length of associated reference sequence """ self.refID, self.pos = _unpack_refId_pos(self._range_popper(8)) # get refID chromosome names self._bin_mq_nl, self._flag_nc = _unpack_bmq_flag(self._range_popper(8)) self.bin = self._bin_mq_nl >> 16 self.mapq = (self._bin_mq_nl & 0xFF00) >> 8 self._l_read_name = self._bin_mq_nl & 0xFF # Alternative to masking # self.mapq = (self.bin_mq_nl ^ self.bin << 16) >> 8 # self._l_read_name = (self.bin_mq_nl ^ self.bin <<16) ^ (self.mapq << 8) self.flag = self._flag_nc >> 16 self._n_cigar_op = self._flag_nc & 0xFFFF ( self.l_seq, self.next_refID, self.next_pos, self.tlen, ) = _unpack_lseq_nrid_npos_tlen(self._range_popper(16)) self.read_name = unpack( "<{}s".format(self._l_read_name), self._range_popper(self._l_read_name), ).decode()[:-1] self.tid = self.reference_id = self.refID self.reference_name = "*" try: self.reference_name = self._io._header.refs[self.refID][0] except KeyError: if self.refID == -1 and len(self._io._header.refs) == 1: self.reference_name = self._io._header.refs[0][0] def _cigar_builder(self): """Just unpacks the cigar data to be processed later. Ensures the cursor stays in the right place.""" if self._n_cigar_op != 0: self._cigar = struct.unpack( "<{}I".format(self._n_cigar_op), self._range_popper(4 * self._n_cigar_op), ) def _decode_cigar(self): """Process the CIGAR into helpful tuples and plain text CIGAR string Uses unpacked values to properly process the CIGAR related data Requires determining string size and key mapping to _CIGAR_KEY Attributes: cigarstring (str): SAM format string representation of the CIGAR string cigartuples (:py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`tuple` of :py:obj:`int`): CIGAR op code and associated value _cigartuples (:py:obj:`list` of :py:obj:`namedtuple`): same as `cigartuples` except each tuple is a named tuple for mainatainability & readability. Additionally, preserves the CIGAR op name. """ # can't use bamnostic.utils.unpack because self._cigar needs to be tuples for decoding if self._n_cigar_op != 0: if "CG" in self.tags and self._cigar[0] == self.l_seq << 4 | 4: self._cigar = self.tags.pop("CG")[1] self._n_cigar_op = len(self._cigar) decoded_cigar = [ (cigar_op >> 4, _CIGAR_KEY[cigar_op & 0xF]) for cigar_op in self._cigar ] self.cigarstring = "".join( ["{}{}".format(c[0], c[1]) for c in decoded_cigar] ) self._cigartuples = [ Cigar( bamnostic.utils._CIGAR_OPS[op[1]][1], op[0], op[1], bamnostic.utils._CIGAR_OPS[op[1]][0], ) for op in decoded_cigar ] self.cigartuples = [(op[0], op[1]) for op in self._cigartuples] self.cigar = self.cigartuples[:] else: self.cigar = None self.cigarstring = None self._cigartuples = None self.cigartuples = None def _seq_builder(self): """Uses unpacked values to build segment sequence Requires knowing the sequence length and key mapping to _SEQ_KEY Attributes: seq (str): alignment sequence in string format """ byte_data = self._range_popper(1 * ((self.l_seq + 1) // 2)) if byte_data is None: self.seq = "*" else: self._byte_seq = unpack( "<{}B".format((self.l_seq + 1) // 2), byte_data, is_array=True ) self.seq = "".join( [ "{}{}".format( _SEQ_KEY[self._byte_seq[s] >> 4], _SEQ_KEY[self._byte_seq[s] & 0x0F], ) for s in range(len(self._byte_seq)) ] )[: self.l_seq] def _qual_builder(self): """Pulls out the quality information for the given read Attributes: query_qualities (:py:obj:`array.array`): Array of Phred quality scores for each base of the aligned sequence. No offset required. qual (str): ASCII-encoded quality string """ if self.seq != "*": self._raw_qual = unpack( "<{}s".format(self.l_seq), self._range_popper(self.l_seq) ) self.query_qualities = array("B") # Should account for all versions of Python if type(self._raw_qual) == str: self.query_qualities.fromstring(self._raw_qual) elif type(self._raw_qual) == bytes: self.query_qualities.frombytes(self._raw_qual) else: raise TypeError( "Raw quality score is neither string nor bytes object" ) """Phred Quality scores for each base of the alignment ***without*** an ASCII offset.""" self.qual = "".join(offset_qual(self._raw_qual)) """Phred Quality scores for each base of the alignment in ASCII offsetted string format.""" else: self._raw_qual = self.qual = "*" def __hash_key(self): return (self.reference_name, self.pos, self.read_name) def __hash__(self): return ( hash(self.reference_name) ^ hash(self.pos) ^ hash(self.read_name) ^ hash(self.__hash_key()) ) def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.__hash_key() == other.__hash_key() ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def _tag_builder(self): """Uses `self._tagger()` to collect all the read tags Attributes: tags (:py:obj:`dict`): all tags, tag type, and tag value for associated read """ self.tags = {} while len(self._byte_stream) > 0: self.tags.update(self._tagger()) def __repr__(self): """Represent the read when the object is called. Instead of a traditional `repr()` output, the SAM-format representation of the read is generated. That is, if the user stores a read as `read`, and calls `read` instead of `read()` or `print(read)`, the SAM-formatted version of the read is returned for brevity's sake. """ if self.next_refID == -1: rnext = "*" elif self.next_refID == self.refID: rnext = "=" else: rnext = self._io._header.refs[self.next_refID] SAM_repr = [ self.read_name, "{}".format(self.flag), "{}".format(self.reference_name, self.tid), "{}".format(self.pos + 1), "{}".format(self.mapq), self.cigarstring if self.cigarstring is not None else "*", "{}".format(rnext), "{}".format(self.next_pos + 1), "{}".format(self.tlen), "{}".format(self.seq), "{}".format(self.qual), ] tags = [ "{}:{}:{}".format(tag, value[0], value[1]) for tag, value in sorted(self.tags.items()) ] SAM_repr.extend(tags) return "\t".join(SAM_repr) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def _range_popper(self, interval_start, interval_stop=None, front=True): """Simple pop method that accepts a range instead of a single value. Modifies the original bytearray by removing items Note: Pops from the front of the list by default. If `front` is set to `False`, it will pop everything from `interval_start` to the end of the list. Args: interval_start (int): desired number of bytes from the beginning to be decoded. interval_stop (int): if present, allows for a specific range (default: None). front (bool): True if popping from front of list (default: True). Returns: popped (bytearray): removed interval-length items from `self.byte_stream` """ if interval_stop is None: if interval_start: if front: popped = self._byte_stream[:interval_start] del self._byte_stream[:interval_start] return popped else: popped = self._byte_stream[interval_start:] del self._byte_stream[interval_start:] return popped else: return None else: popped = self._byte_stream[interval_start:interval_stop] del self._byte_stream[interval_start:interval_stop] return popped def _tagger(self): """Processes the variety of tags that accompany sequencing reads The BAM format does not store the length of string and hex-formatted byte arrays. These are null-terminated. Due to this, when parsing the byte stream, this method has to dynamically read in the next byte and check for a null. In all other cases, a simple `read` is used to pull all pertinent data for the tag. The final caveat is that the number of tags is not stored. Therefore, the method also has to constantly analyze the remaining byte stream of the associated aligned segment to ensure that all tags are serially parsed. Returns: dictionary of the tag, value types, and values """ types = { "A": "c", "i": "l", "f": "f", "Z": "s", "H": "s", "c": "b", "C": "B", "s": "h", "S": "H", "i": "i", "I": "I", } tag, val_type = _unpack_tag_val(self._range_popper(3)) tag = tag.decode() val_type = val_type.decode() # Capture byte array of a given size if val_type == "B": arr_type, arr_size = _unpack_array(self._range_popper(5)) arr = unpack( "<{}{}".format(arr_size, types[arr_type.decode()]), self._range_popper( arr_size * struct.calcsize(types[arr_type.decode()]) ), ) return {tag: (val_type, arr)} # Capture given length string or hex array elif val_type == "Z" or val_type == "H": val = _unpack_string(self._range_popper(1))[0] if _PY_VERSION[0] == 2: while val[-1] != "\x00": val += _unpack_string(self._range_popper(1))[0] else: while chr(val[-1]) != "\x00": val += _unpack_string(self._range_popper(1))[0] if val_type == "Z": return {tag: (val_type, val.decode(encoding="latin_1")[:-1])} else: return {tag: (val_type, val.hex().upper())} # Everything else else: val_size = struct.calcsize(types[val_type]) val = unpack("<" + types[val_type], self._range_popper(val_size)) if val_type == "A": val = val.decode(encoding="latin_1") return {tag: (val_type, val)} def _reference_attrs(self): """Sets and computes the attributes regarding reference alignment Reference alignment here means the alignment of the read according to the reference, and therefore excludes insertions and clipping. """ count = 0 if self.cigarstring is not None and self.seq != "*": cigar_align = cigar_alignment( self.seq, self.cigar, self.pos, self.query_qualities ) first_ref = next(cigar_align) for base, index in cigar_align: count += 1 self.__reference_start = self.pos self.__reference_end = index + 1 self.__reference_length = ( self.__reference_end - self.__reference_start ) else: self.__reference_start = self.pos self.__reference_end = None self.__reference_length = None def _query_alignment_attrs(self): """Sets and computes the attributes regarding query alignment Query alignment here means the alignable portion of the read, and therefore excludes clipping, but includes insertions """ count = 0 if self.cigarstring is not None and self.seq != "*": cigar_align = cigar_alignment( self.seq, self.cigar, # one would think that self.pos should go here. However, bamnostic # is meant to replicate pysam, and pysam details this to be # with respect to the read itself, not genomic position. Therefore, # this is set to zero. 0, self.query_qualities, query=True, ) self.__qa_seq = "" first_ref = next(cigar_align) self.__qa_seq += first_ref[0] for base, index in cigar_align: self.__qa_seq += base count += 1 self.__qa_end = index + 1 self.__qa_start = first_ref[1] else: self.__qa_seq = None self.__qa_end = None self.__qa_start = self.pos @property def query_alignment_end(self): """One past the final index position of the aligned portion of the read `query_alignment_*` all refer to the portion of the read that was aligned, and therefore exclude clipping, but include insertions. """ return self.__qa_end @property def query_alignment_start(self): """The starting index of the aligned portion of the read `query_alignment_*` all refer to the portion of the read that was aligned, and therefore exclude clipping, but include insertions. """ return self.__qa_start @property def query_name(self): """Alias for the read name""" return self.read_name @property def query_alignment_sequence(self): """The sequence of the aligned portion of the read `query_alignment_*` all refer to the portion of the read that was aligned, and therefore exclude clipping, but include insertions. """ return self.__qa_seq @property def query_alignment_length(self): """The length of the aligned portion of the read `query_alignment_*` all refer to the portion of the read that was aligned, and therefore exclude clipping, but include insertions. """ return len(self.query_alignment_sequence) if self.cigar is not None else None @property def reference_start(self): """The starting index of the aligned portion of the read `reference_` here means the portion of the read that was aligned according to the reference. Therefore, does not include insertions and clipping """ return self.__reference_start @property def reference_end(self): """One past the final index position of the aligned portion of the read `reference_` here means the portion of the read that was aligned according to the reference. Therefore, does not include insertions and clipping """ return self.__reference_end @property def reference_length(self): """The length of the aligned portion of the read `reference_` here means the portion of the read that was aligned according to the reference. Therefore, does not include insertions and clipping """ return self.__reference_length @property def query_sequence(self): """The sequence of the read `query_` here means the query as seen in the BAM file, and therefore includes clipping """ return self.seq @property def query_length(self): """The length of sequence of the read `query_` here means the query as seen in the BAM file, and therefore includes clipping """ return len(self.seq) @property def next_reference_id(self): """Return the reference id of mate read""" if self.next_refID < 0: raise ValueError('No data available for mate or mate does not exist') else: return self.next_refID @property def next_reference_name(self): """Return the reference name of mate read""" if self.next_refID < 0: raise ValueError('No data available for mate or mate does not exist') else: return self._io.get_reference_name(self.next_refID) @property def next_reference_start(self): """Return the reference name of mate read""" if self.next_refID < 0: raise ValueError('No data available for mate or mate does not exist') else: return self.next_pos @property def is_duplicate(self): """If the read is set as PCR or optical duplicate according to read flag""" return True if self.flag & 0x400 else False @property def is_paired(self): """If the read is set as paired according to read flag""" return True if self.flag & 0x1 else False @property def is_proper_pair(self): """If each segment properly aligned according to the aligner""" if self.flag & 0x2: assert self.flag & 0x1, 'If 0x2 is set, then read must also have 0x1 set' return True else: return False @property def is_qcfail(self): """If the read is set as QC fail according to read flag""" return True if self.flag & 0x200 else False @property def is_read1(self): """If the read is set as the first read of mate pair according to read flag (implies the read is mated)""" if self.flag & 0x40: assert self.flag & 0x1, 'If 0x40 is set, then read must also have 0x1 set' return True else: return False @property def is_read2(self): """If the read is set as the second read of mate pair according to read flag (implies the read is mated)""" if self.flag & 0x80: assert self.flag & 0x1, 'If 0x40 is set, then read must also have 0x1 set' return True else: return False @property def is_reverse(self): """If the read is set as reversed according to read flag""" return True if self.flag & 0x10 else False @property def is_secondary(self): """If the read is set as secondary alignment according to read flag""" return True if self.flag & 0x100 else False @property def is_supplementary(self): """If the read is set as a supplementary alignment according to read flag""" return True if self.flag & 0x800 else False @property def is_unmapped(self): """If the read is set as unmapped according to read flag""" return True if self.flag & 0x4 else False @property def mate_is_reverse(self): """Check the read flag to see if the mat is reverse strand (implies the read is mated)""" if self.flag & 0x20: assert self.flag & 0x1, 'If 0x20 is set, then read must also have 0x1 set' return True else: return False @property def mate_is_unmapped(self): """Check the read flag to see if mate is unmapped (implies the read is mated)""" if self.flag & 0x8: assert self.flag & 0x1, 'If 0x8 is set, then read must also have 0x1 set' return True else: return False @property def mapping_quality(self): """The mapping quality (MAPQ) of the read""" return self.mapq
[docs] def get_tag(self, tag, with_value_type=False): """Gets the value associated with a given tag key. Args: tag (str): the tag of interest with_value_type (bool): return what kind of value the tag Returns: the value associated with a given tag or the value and type of value (as seen in BAM format) """ try: t = self.tags[tag] if with_value_type: return t[::-1] else: return t[1] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Read does not have the {} tag'.format(tag))
[docs] def get_tags(self, with_value_type=False): """Returns all the tags for a given read Args: with_value_type (bool): return the tag value type (as defined by BAM format) Returns: f_tags(:py:obj:`list`): list of tag tuples (with or without tag value type) """ f_tags = [] for tag, val in self.tags.items(): if with_value_type: f_tags.append((tag, val[1], val[0])) else: f_tags.append((tag, val[1])) return f_tags
[docs] def get_cigar_stats(self): """Gets the counts of each CIGAR operation in the read and number of nucleotides related to those given operations. Returns: op_blocks (:py:obj:`list`): list of CIGAR operation counts nt_counts (:py:obj:`list`): list of nucleotide counts for each operation """ op_blocks = [] nt_counts = [] for op in _CIGAR_KEY: block = 0 nts = 0 if len(self._cigartuples) > 0: for cigar_op in self._cigartuples: if cigar_op.op_id == op: block += 1 nts += cigar_op.n_op op_blocks.append(block) nt_counts.append(nts) if 'NM' in self.tags: op_blocks.append(1) nt_counts.append(self.tags['NM'][1]) else: op_blocks.append(0) nt_counts.append(0) return op_blocks, nt_counts
[docs] def ref_gen(self): """Recreates the reference sequence associated with the given segment. Uses the CIGAR string and MD tag to recreate the reference sequence associated with the aligned segment. This is done without the need for looking up the reference genome. Returns: (str): generated reference sequence Raises: KeyError: if read does not contain MD tag """ return ref_gen(self.seq, self.cigar, self.tags['MD'])
[docs] def to_bam(bam_file): """Writes the alignment record to a BAM file Args: bam_file (string or :py:obj:`bamnostic.bam.BamWriter`): BAM file path or open bam file in a write mode """ if type(bam_file) == str: # Natively go into append mode if os.path.isfile(bam_file): with bam.BamWriter(bam_file, mode = 'ab') as bam_out: bam_out.write(self._raw_stream) else: raise IOError('BAM file must already exist, or be initilaized through bamnostic.bam.BamWriter') elif isinstance(bam_file, bgzf.BgzfWriter): bam_file.write(self._raw_stream) else: raise IOError('BAM file must already exist, or be initilaized through bamnostic.bam.BamWriter')